There are lots of things print providers can do to gain more profits. They can increase prices and cut costs, analyze monthly financial statements and measure their businesses’ progress, and even reorganize their staff to make sure everyone knows their responsibilities.
One very important thing a print provider can do is to shift the focus on existing customers. No matter which system you use at the store, you’ll probably find information regarding your customers and their activities over the years. Use the data to figure out who are your most valuable customers (those that make regular, large purchases), and make sure that every employee knows who those VIP customers are.
Make sure you visit your VIP customers regularly, meeting them face-to-face and offering a new service or just reminding them that you are there. Personal meetings will build a stronger relationship and ensure you’ll be the first name they think of when they need printing.
A few more things you can do to make sure your clients remember you and even generate more sales: Call to verify you have the right contact information (it can easily spark a selling opportunity). Send a monthly newsletter, so your customers will always remember that you are their go-to print store. For a bigger response from your mailing, you can follow-up with a personal call. This gives you a good reason to call and build the relationship with the customer.
Try to revive cold customers, that hasn’t purchased from you in a while. In most cases the answer is simple – they forgot you were their printer… One simple call might jog their memory and help them remember you when it is time to order their next print job.
Bottom line – you don’t need to spend time and money trying to find new prospects. Just search through your system and start contacting those top customers who would render you more purchases and profits. You just need to remind them that you are there.